I'm so happy you're here. For real.
I'm a wife, mama x3, fur mama x3— and obviously over exhausted and mentally unstable as a result.
I'm super goofy, mostly laid back (but like, don't cheat in a board game ), and always caffeinated.
My obsession with documenting moments began in junior high, when I started carrying disposable cameras with me everywhere. I got my first digital camera from Santa in 7th grade, and my first DSLR in 2013 when I had my first baby.
What began as a desperate need to document my tiny love's ever changing toes, and nose, quickly turned into discovering the only job I've ever had and didn't want to quit.
I can excitedly report thatI have figured out what I want to be when I grow up. & I don't take lightly the importance of documenting such significant pieces of others' story.
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Are you ready to take this internet romance to the next level? Cuz, same. You've (hopefully) read all about me, now tell me a little about you. THEN, we will set-up a coffee shop hang IRL. Not exactly local? No worries, we can keep this 'ship virtual with a little FT action.
Thank you so much for thinking I cam cool enough for contact info. It's a big first step. I'll be in touch soon, I can't wait to meet you, IRL!